
Tailored presentations to introduce or develop mindfulness.

Present on the Podium

Mindfulness is often described as “moment-to-moment awareness.” So much time is spent dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, that “right now” slips by unnoticed or unappreciated. Mindfulness is being used by corporations to reduce stress for employees, is presented to athletes as tactical training, and is being offered in schools as Social and Emotional Learning. Come and see how mindfulness can be used to help develop focus, calm your mind, and allow you to let go of distractions and thoughts so you can be more present on the podium!

Music and Mindfulness

Music educators spend a great deal of time and energy instructing students on proper playing technique, musical interpretation and execution, and deepening musical understanding. There are also many mental components of performance that can be addressed and developed. Researchers have found increases in focus and attention, reduced anxiety, and improved sustained attention through the development of specific tools. This presentation focuses on how music educators can provide the mental training necessary to meet the demands of performance. 

Working With Performance Anxiety

Performance anxiety is something every musician faces. While some level of stress is motivating, stress can also easily hinder efforts and derail a performance. By becoming aware of thoughts and reframing stress, the mind can be used to help work with anxiety and fear instead of fighting against it or running from it. This training helps reduce stress by developing awareness, increasing focus, and learning to relax the body and mind. 

Social and Emotional Learning in the Music Ensemble

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary in understanding and managing emotions. SEL is establishing its place in the curriculum of classrooms across the country, and the five components of SEL are inherent in music education. Learn how to identify these components in your teaching and how to foster them in your ensemble rehearsals to help students develop self-awareness, self-regulation skills, empathy, motivation, and social skills. 

Michelle is intelligent, calm, centered, well-spoken, and compelling. She is immersed in the world of Mindfulness and well-being in a way that is very engaging and insightful. She has spent a lot of time refining her workshops and making them accessible and motivating for teachers interested in bringing calm focus into the center of their lives. Because she is a musician and music educator, she makes strong connections directly applicable in the music arena. Mindful practice is gaining a lot of momentum in education because we all benefit from finding a way to restore calm and mental focus within our rapid paced, high stress, and sensory-intense culture.

2019 Schedule

Engaging the Artists Within
Training minds to improve performace

CBDNA Conference
Arizona State University - Tempe, AZ
  • Session
    Thursday, January 21st, 2019 (11:05am)

Do Less, Be More
Mental skills to make the most of each day

CBDNA Conference
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
  • Session
    Thursday, January 21st, 2019 (11:20am)

Music & Mindfulness

Band and Orchestra Students
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • Sessions
    April 24-25th, 2019

Integration of Mindfulness Techniques in the Music Classroom

Educators, Band Directors, & Conductors
Wisconsin Center for Music Education, Waunakee, WI
  • Sessions
    August 15th, 2019

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